Print Friendly & PDF Chrome/Brave Extension

10/15 years ago when I want to print an article I found posted in the internet, the option to Print was found at the beginning or end of the article. Lately, I noticed the Print option has disappeared. I handy feature which I find invaluable has largely abandoned.

I can only guess the option to print was gone the way of the dodo because we can now send articles we find on the internet to our mobile devices and just read them off there. However, I think for those conducting research would need to Print feature for hard copies on information found on the internet.

Meh, in any case, I found an excellent browser extension that will format and remove ads for articles found online and convert it into a printable document. I've used it a few times now and I have to say, it's a great tool. I don't use Chrome, but I use Brave (which supports Chrome extensions).

Add the extension here:
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BRAVE BROWSER: Brave is a reimagined browser. A browser that returns all the power back to you...the user. Get unmatched speed, security and privacy by blocking trackers. Earn rewards by opting into privacy-respecting ads and help give publishers back their fair share of Internet revenue. Revenue is earned in the form of Brave Attention Tokens or B.A.T. for short. GET BRAVE NOW!

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